
Afiliado: 26/11/2011
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Mahjong Gate

Mahjong Gate

Mahjong Gate
1 año 265 días hace

Ella, El Y el Deseo

Barres ...

Ella, Él y el Deseo

El solía sentarse por las noches

a pronunciar palabras de amor.

Ella ejia sus certezas.

eran como un hombre

I go to sleep!!!!!!!!



(¯`·._Happy Veteran's Day_.·´¯)

Happy Veteran's Day veterans-day-flag.gif

Automne 82

For many people, God is a
frightening idea.  Asking God for help doesn't seem
very comforting if we
think of Him as something outside ourselves, or capricious,
or judgmental. 
But God is love and He dwells within us.  We are created in His image,
mind, which means that we are extensions of His love, or Sons and Daughters of
God. . . .
Rather than accepting that we are the loving beings that He
created, we have
arrogantly thought that we could create ourselves, and then
create God.
We have made up a God in our image.  Because we are angry and
we have projected those characteristics onto Him.  But God
remains who He is
and always will be:  He is the energy, the thought of
unconditional love.
He cannot think with anger or judgment.  He is mercy and
compassion and total acceptance.

Happy Veterans Day 133121854r133121855.gif

                                                         happy veterans day veteran3-1.jpg Veteran's Day happy-veterans-day-flag-ve.gif  


Minutos Segundos


[웃ღ웃]ELECTION 2012[웃ღ웃]




November 6, 2012 Presidential General Election

Responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation."It is necessary that all participate, according to his position and role, in promoting the common good. This is inherent in the dignity of the human person Please feel free to tweet, anyone you think might be interested.

Who are the better presidents for stock markets, Republicans or Democrats?


According to J.P. Morgan, it’s pretty much a wash, at least for the first year.

J.P. Morgan went back to the 1900 election to determine the party effect on the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

By its calculations, when a Democrat follows a Republican into the White House,

the Dow rises an average of 12 percent in the first 12 months. This is the Barack Obama scenario.

When a Republican succeeds another Republican, the Dow goes up an average of 11 percent in the first year.

This is the John McCain proposition.

For what it’s worth, the long-term average is lower than the latest instance of both possible outcomes.

When George H.W. Bush took over from Ronald Reagan in 1989, the Dow climbed 22 percent.

Four years later, the results were nearly as good when Bill Clinton was elected—the Dow popped 19 percent.

    Do not forget  be responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation."




"405 viwers"


[웃ღ웃Um Anjo Para Você] [웃ღ웃]

Ange ... Belle image

Um Anjo para Você Para iluminar seu caminho, para colocar ordem na sua vida,

para você ter sempre a certeza, de que ele está ao seu lado, em todos os momentos.

Em qualquer situação, na sua tristeza e na sua alegria. E mesmo que você se esqueça dele as vezes,

ele estará sempre do seu lado, lhe ajudando, lhe dando conselhos, lhe conduzindo na sua estrada,

as vezes triste, as vezes alegre. Ele sempre vai dar o melhor de si, para lhe ajudar,

e em troca disso, ele só quer que você saiba dele, que acredite nele.

Não precisa saber o nome do seu anjo, basta lembrar dele como uma luz,

a iluminar o seu caminho. E você pode ter certeza de que ele é assim,

uma imensa luz, que não se apaga nunca, que não fica fraca,

que jamais perde sua força e seu brilho.

Um lindo anjo para você... Que você possa contar com ele, Sempre....sempre..."



Minutos Segundos 




»*¯*«ஐTodo Eres Tuஐ»*¯*«

 Bon vendredi!!

Bienvenue sur mon blog!!


Todo Eres Tu

Todo en mi lecho reclama los espacios
donde la inmensidad del cielo me brinda tus brazos.
Todas las distancias son fugaces instantes
cuando suspiro tu nombre entre mis labios.
La noche se duerme en tempestades de silencio
y la espiga de tu cuerpo es mi intimo secreto.
Se enciende el temor en el umbral de mis entrañas
de perder tu imagen, abandonada en el tiempo.
Si el llanto temible llega a mojar mis ojos,
saboreando el dolor de no despertar en tus manos,
elevare plegarias; heridas del mismo viento
y cual rosa deshojada y lirios desprendidos,
la canción de nuestro amor se habrá perdido.
Todo es aleteo de mariposas blancas
donde el eco de tu voz despierta mi conciencia.
Todo gira con el resplandor de astros celestiales
y el alba anuncia tu esperada presencia.
Pero llega la furia punzante del tiempo.
Llegan las tardes acongojadas de invierno
y temo que la lágrima que humedeció mi suelo,
ruede cual rama quebrada por el viento
Todo es renacer de mi espíritu y el tuyo
cuando acurrucada en mi lecho se disipan los miedos,
Todo eres tu, rosado delirio
eres el verde mar, la espuma del río,
el repicar de gaviotas en un vuelo infinito.
cuando palpitan gemelos tu corazón y el mío....


Created With MySpace Glitter Text Generator at www.freeglittergraphics.comCreated With MySpace Glitter Text Generator at www.freeglittergraphics.comCreated With MySpace Glitter Text Generator at www.freeglittergraphics.comCreated With MySpace Glitter Text Generator at www.freeglittergraphics.comCreated With MySpace Glitter Text Generator at www.freeglittergraphics.comCreated With MySpace Glitter Text Generator at www.freeglittergraphics.comCreated With MySpace Glitter Text Generator at www.freeglittergraphics.comCreated With MySpace Glitter Text Generator at www.freeglittergraphics.comCreated With MySpace Glitter Text Generator at www.freeglittergraphics.comCreated With MySpace Glitter Text Generator at www.freeglittergraphics.comCreated With MySpace Glitter Text Generator at www.freeglittergraphics.comCreated With MySpace Glitter Text Generator at


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